with, no difficulties to overcome. Difficulties occasion thinking only when
thinking is the imperative or urgent way out. Only when it is the indicate
road to solution.
Advancement of technology helps us to do everything what we want. This one
gives us satisfaction. In the other hand, advancement of technology causes environment
decay like pollution and needs much of energies. Whereas, energy supply on this world is
very limited. So we have to prepare energy resources that can produces much of energies
and do not damage environment.
What is the solution of this problem? I believe that we have to take advantages
of nuclear energy. And we do not depend on fossil fuel as energy sources that are running
low and cause environment decay. I wish to discuss why nuclear energy is very important
and show some benefits that energy would bring to Indonesia.
Firstly, advancement of technology needs much of energies. If Indonesia wants
to be development country, Indonesia may not depend on fossil fuel energy as energy
sources because they will produce dangerous gases like carbon monoxide, sulphur
dioxide and other dangerous gases that can damage health, cause acid rain and produce
green house gases that cause global warming. Indonesia has to prepare energy resources
that can produce much of energies and do not damage environment. Because
environment decay is unacceptable and unforgivable just for advancement of technology.
These considerations are very important to select energy resources.
Secondly, development countries use nuclear energy to meet their energy
needs. Nuclear energy source produces much of energies and does not make environment
decay if it is used carefully. One gram uranium, nuclear energy source, produces heat
equal with 25 tons coal and equal with 17,500 liters petroleum. From nuclear power
generator table per April 2001 we know that USA is a country with the most nuclear
power generator operating, that is 104 nuclear power generators, whereas the country has
much of petroleum reserves in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico.
Finally, nuclear energy source will help Indonesia in executing program to be a
development country that is independent upon using fossil fuel as energy sources.
Therefore, Indonesia has to prepare nuclear specialist to operate nuclear power generator
until this program success and rare energy will be overcome right away.
In conclusion, environment decay as impact of advancement of technology is
unacceptable and unforgivable. Energy sources like coal and petroleum have to be
substituted by nuclear energy as soon as possible until all of Indonesian people have a
chance to benefit from the wealth of this result without environment decay and do not
damage health. All of those will come true by nuclear energy.
wassalaamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
By Muhammad Zamhari
Student of Chemistry Education.
Faculty of Science and Technology
State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga of Yogyakarta